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Сторінки 1
Всем доброго времени суток! Я новичок в ардуино и на форуме так что извиняюсь если написал не в тот раздел. Так вот я заказал набор ардуино уно с машинкой объезжающая препятствия на драйвере L298n 4 колёсах и ультразвуковом датчике HC-SR04 и когда я загружаю загружаю код из инструкции ошибок не выдаёт но сама машинка не едет. Незнаю что такое и прошу помочь. Буду очень благодарен.
Вот код из инструкции:
int inputPin=A0; // ultrasonic module ECHO to A0
int outputPin=A1; // ultrasonic module TRIG to A1
#define Lpwm_pin 5 //pin of controlling speed---- ENA of motor driver board
#define Rpwm_pin 10 //pin of controlling speed---- ENB of motor driver board
int pinLB=2; //pin of controlling turning---- IN1 of motor driver board
int pinLF=4; //pin of controlling turning---- IN2 of motor driver board
int pinRB=7; //pin of controlling turning---- IN3 of motor driver board
int pinRF=8; //pin of controlling turning---- IN4 of motor driver board
unsigned char Lpwm_val = 200; //initialized left wheel speed at 250
unsigned char Rpwm_val = 200; //initialized right wheel speed at 250
int Car_state=0; //the working state of car
int servopin=3; //defining digital port pin 3, connecting to signal line of servo motor
int myangle; //defining variable of angle
int pulsewidth; //defining variable of pulse width
unsigned char DuoJiao=60; //initialized angle of motor at 60°
void servopulse(int servopin,int myangle) //defining a function of pulse
pulsewidth=(myangle*11)+500; //converting angle into pulse width value at 500-2480
digitalWrite(servopin,HIGH); //increasing the level of motor interface to upmost
delayMicroseconds(pulsewidth); //delaying microsecond of pulse width value
digitalWrite(servopin,LOW); //decreasing the level of motor interface to the least
void Set_servopulse(int set_val)
for(int i=0;i<=10;i++) //giving motor enough time to turn to assigning point
servopulse(servopin,set_val); //invokimg pulse function
void M_Control_IO_config(void)
pinMode(pinLB,OUTPUT); // /pin 2
pinMode(pinLF,OUTPUT); // pin 4
pinMode(pinRB,OUTPUT); // pin 7
pinMode(pinRF,OUTPUT); // pin 8
pinMode(Lpwm_pin,OUTPUT); // pin 11 (PWM)
pinMode(Rpwm_pin,OUTPUT); // pin10(PWM)
void Set_Speed(unsigned char Left,unsigned char Right) //function of setting speed
void advance() // going forward
digitalWrite(pinRB,LOW); // making motor move towards right rear
digitalWrite(pinLB,LOW); // making motor move towards left rear
Car_state = 1;
void turnR() //turning right(dual wheel)
digitalWrite(pinRB,LOW); //making motor move towards right rear
digitalWrite(pinLF,LOW); //making motor move towards left front
Car_state = 4;
void turnL() //turning left(dual wheel)
digitalWrite(pinRF,LOW ); //making motor move towards right front
digitalWrite(pinLB,LOW); //making motor move towards left rear
Car_state = 3;
void stopp() //stop
Car_state = 5;
void back() //back up
digitalWrite(pinRB,HIGH); //making motor move towards right rear
digitalWrite(pinLB,HIGH); //making motor move towards left rear
Car_state = 2;
void Self_Control(void)//self-going, ultrasonic obstacle avoidance
int H;
H = Ultrasonic_Ranging(1);
if(Ultrasonic_Ranging(1) < 35)
if(Ultrasonic_Ranging(1) < 60)
int L = ask_pin_L(2);
int R = ask_pin_R(3);
if(ask_pin_L(2) > ask_pin_R(3))
H = Ultrasonic_Ranging(1);
if(ask_pin_L(2) <= ask_pin_R(3))
H = Ultrasonic_Ranging(1);
if (ask_pin_L(2) < 35 && ask_pin_R(3)< 35)
int Ultrasonic_Ranging(unsigned char Mode)//function of ultrasonic distance detecting ,MODE=1,displaying,no displaying under other situation
int old_distance;
digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(outputPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW);
int distance = pulseIn(inputPin, HIGH); // reading the duration of high level
distance= distance/58; // Transform pulse time to distance
Serial.print("\n H = ");
return distance;
else return distance;
int ask_pin_L(unsigned char Mode)
int old_Ldistance;
digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(outputPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW);
int Ldistance = pulseIn(inputPin, HIGH);
Ldistance= Ldistance/58; // Transform pulse time to distance
Serial.print("\n L = ");
return Ldistance;
else return Ldistance;
int ask_pin_R(unsigned char Mode)
int old_Rdistance;
digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(outputPin, HIGH); //
digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW);
int Rdistance = pulseIn(inputPin, HIGH);
Rdistance= Rdistance/58; // Transform pulse time to distance
Serial.print("\n R = ");
return Rdistance;
else return Rdistance;
void setup()
pinMode(servopin,OUTPUT); //setting motor interface as output
M_Control_IO_config(); //motor controlling the initialization of IO
Set_Speed(Lpwm_val,Rpwm_val); //setting initialized speed
Set_servopulse(DuoJiao); //setting initialized motor angle
pinMode(inputPin, INPUT); //starting receiving IR remote control signal
pinMode(outputPin, OUTPUT); //IO of ultrasonic module
Serial.begin(9600); //initialized serial port , using Bluetooth as serial port, setting baud
stopp(); //stop
void loop()
Если понадобится диаграмма подключения прошу написать.
Всем доброго времени суток! Я новичок в ардуино и на форуме так что извиняюсь если написал не в тот раздел. Так вот я заказал набор ардуино уно с машинкой объезжающая препятствия на драйвере L298n 4 колёсах и ультразвуковом датчике HC-SR04 и когда я загружаю загружаю код из инструкции ошибок не выдаёт но сама машинка не едет. Незнаю что такое и прошу помочь. Буду очень благодарен.
Вот код из инструкции:int inputPin=A0; // ultrasonic module ECHO to A0 int outputPin=A1; // ultrasonic module TRIG to A1 #define Lpwm_pin 5 //pin of controlling speed---- ENA of motor driver board #define Rpwm_pin 10 //pin of controlling speed---- ENB of motor driver board int pinLB=2; //pin of controlling turning---- IN1 of motor driver board int pinLF=4; //pin of controlling turning---- IN2 of motor driver board int pinRB=7; //pin of controlling turning---- IN3 of motor driver board int pinRF=8; //pin of controlling turning---- IN4 of motor driver board unsigned char Lpwm_val = 200; //initialized left wheel speed at 250 unsigned char Rpwm_val = 200; //initialized right wheel speed at 250 int Car_state=0; //the working state of car int servopin=3; //defining digital port pin 3, connecting to signal line of servo motor int myangle; //defining variable of angle int pulsewidth; //defining variable of pulse width unsigned char DuoJiao=60; //initialized angle of motor at 60° void servopulse(int servopin,int myangle) //defining a function of pulse { pulsewidth=(myangle*11)+500; //converting angle into pulse width value at 500-2480 digitalWrite(servopin,HIGH); //increasing the level of motor interface to upmost delayMicroseconds(pulsewidth); //delaying microsecond of pulse width value digitalWrite(servopin,LOW); //decreasing the level of motor interface to the least delay(20-pulsewidth/1000); } void Set_servopulse(int set_val) { for(int i=0;i<=10;i++) //giving motor enough time to turn to assigning point servopulse(servopin,set_val); //invokimg pulse function } void M_Control_IO_config(void) { pinMode(pinLB,OUTPUT); // /pin 2 pinMode(pinLF,OUTPUT); // pin 4 pinMode(pinRB,OUTPUT); // pin 7 pinMode(pinRF,OUTPUT); // pin 8 pinMode(Lpwm_pin,OUTPUT); // pin 11 (PWM) pinMode(Rpwm_pin,OUTPUT); // pin10(PWM) } void Set_Speed(unsigned char Left,unsigned char Right) //function of setting speed { analogWrite(Lpwm_pin,Left); analogWrite(Rpwm_pin,Right); } void advance() // going forward { digitalWrite(pinRB,LOW); // making motor move towards right rear digitalWrite(pinRF,HIGH); digitalWrite(pinLB,LOW); // making motor move towards left rear digitalWrite(pinLF,HIGH); Car_state = 1; } void turnR() //turning right(dual wheel) { digitalWrite(pinRB,LOW); //making motor move towards right rear digitalWrite(pinRF,HIGH); digitalWrite(pinLB,HIGH); digitalWrite(pinLF,LOW); //making motor move towards left front Car_state = 4; } void turnL() //turning left(dual wheel) { digitalWrite(pinRB,HIGH); digitalWrite(pinRF,LOW ); //making motor move towards right front digitalWrite(pinLB,LOW); //making motor move towards left rear digitalWrite(pinLF,HIGH); Car_state = 3; } void stopp() //stop { digitalWrite(pinRB,HIGH); digitalWrite(pinRF,HIGH); digitalWrite(pinLB,HIGH); digitalWrite(pinLF,HIGH); Car_state = 5; } void back() //back up { digitalWrite(pinRB,HIGH); //making motor move towards right rear digitalWrite(pinRF,LOW); digitalWrite(pinLB,HIGH); //making motor move towards left rear digitalWrite(pinLF,LOW); Car_state = 2; } void Self_Control(void)//self-going, ultrasonic obstacle avoidance { int H; Set_servopulse(DuoJiao); H = Ultrasonic_Ranging(1); delay(300); if(Ultrasonic_Ranging(1) < 35) { stopp(); delay(100); back(); delay(50); } if(Ultrasonic_Ranging(1) < 60) { stopp(); delay(100); Set_servopulse(5); int L = ask_pin_L(2); delay(300); Set_servopulse(177); int R = ask_pin_R(3); delay(300); if(ask_pin_L(2) > ask_pin_R(3)) { back(); delay(100); turnL(); delay(400); stopp(); delay(50); Set_servopulse(DuoJiao); H = Ultrasonic_Ranging(1); delay(500); } if(ask_pin_L(2) <= ask_pin_R(3)) { back(); delay(100); turnR(); delay(400); stopp(); delay(50); Set_servopulse(DuoJiao); H = Ultrasonic_Ranging(1); delay(300); } if (ask_pin_L(2) < 35 && ask_pin_R(3)< 35) { stopp(); delay(50); back(); delay(50); } } else { advance(); } } int Ultrasonic_Ranging(unsigned char Mode)//function of ultrasonic distance detecting ,MODE=1,displaying,no displaying under other situation { int old_distance; digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(outputPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW); int distance = pulseIn(inputPin, HIGH); // reading the duration of high level distance= distance/58; // Transform pulse time to distance if(Mode==1){ Serial.print("\n H = "); Serial.print(distance,DEC); return distance; } else return distance; } int ask_pin_L(unsigned char Mode) { int old_Ldistance; digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(outputPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW); int Ldistance = pulseIn(inputPin, HIGH); Ldistance= Ldistance/58; // Transform pulse time to distance if(Mode==2){ Serial.print("\n L = "); Serial.print(Ldistance,DEC); return Ldistance; } else return Ldistance; } int ask_pin_R(unsigned char Mode) { int old_Rdistance; digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(outputPin, HIGH); // delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW); int Rdistance = pulseIn(inputPin, HIGH); Rdistance= Rdistance/58; // Transform pulse time to distance if(Mode==3){ Serial.print("\n R = "); Serial.print(Rdistance,DEC); return Rdistance; } else return Rdistance; } void setup() { pinMode(servopin,OUTPUT); //setting motor interface as output M_Control_IO_config(); //motor controlling the initialization of IO Set_Speed(Lpwm_val,Rpwm_val); //setting initialized speed Set_servopulse(DuoJiao); //setting initialized motor angle pinMode(inputPin, INPUT); //starting receiving IR remote control signal pinMode(outputPin, OUTPUT); //IO of ultrasonic module Serial.begin(9600); //initialized serial port , using Bluetooth as serial port, setting baud stopp(); //stop } void loop() { Self_Control(); }
Если понадобится диаграмма подключения прошу написать.
Её стоило сразу писать.
AMIR228 пише:Всем доброго времени суток! Я новичок в ардуино и на форуме так что извиняюсь если написал не в тот раздел. Так вот я заказал набор ардуино уно с машинкой объезжающая препятствия на драйвере L298n 4 колёсах и ультразвуковом датчике HC-SR04 и когда я загружаю загружаю код из инструкции ошибок не выдаёт но сама машинка не едет. Незнаю что такое и прошу помочь. Буду очень благодарен.
Вот код из инструкции:int inputPin=A0; // ultrasonic module ECHO to A0 int outputPin=A1; // ultrasonic module TRIG to A1 #define Lpwm_pin 5 //pin of controlling speed---- ENA of motor driver board #define Rpwm_pin 10 //pin of controlling speed---- ENB of motor driver board int pinLB=2; //pin of controlling turning---- IN1 of motor driver board int pinLF=4; //pin of controlling turning---- IN2 of motor driver board int pinRB=7; //pin of controlling turning---- IN3 of motor driver board int pinRF=8; //pin of controlling turning---- IN4 of motor driver board unsigned char Lpwm_val = 200; //initialized left wheel speed at 250 unsigned char Rpwm_val = 200; //initialized right wheel speed at 250 int Car_state=0; //the working state of car int servopin=3; //defining digital port pin 3, connecting to signal line of servo motor int myangle; //defining variable of angle int pulsewidth; //defining variable of pulse width unsigned char DuoJiao=60; //initialized angle of motor at 60° void servopulse(int servopin,int myangle) //defining a function of pulse { pulsewidth=(myangle*11)+500; //converting angle into pulse width value at 500-2480 digitalWrite(servopin,HIGH); //increasing the level of motor interface to upmost delayMicroseconds(pulsewidth); //delaying microsecond of pulse width value digitalWrite(servopin,LOW); //decreasing the level of motor interface to the least delay(20-pulsewidth/1000); } void Set_servopulse(int set_val) { for(int i=0;i<=10;i++) //giving motor enough time to turn to assigning point servopulse(servopin,set_val); //invokimg pulse function } void M_Control_IO_config(void) { pinMode(pinLB,OUTPUT); // /pin 2 pinMode(pinLF,OUTPUT); // pin 4 pinMode(pinRB,OUTPUT); // pin 7 pinMode(pinRF,OUTPUT); // pin 8 pinMode(Lpwm_pin,OUTPUT); // pin 11 (PWM) pinMode(Rpwm_pin,OUTPUT); // pin10(PWM) } void Set_Speed(unsigned char Left,unsigned char Right) //function of setting speed { analogWrite(Lpwm_pin,Left); analogWrite(Rpwm_pin,Right); } void advance() // going forward { digitalWrite(pinRB,LOW); // making motor move towards right rear digitalWrite(pinRF,HIGH); digitalWrite(pinLB,LOW); // making motor move towards left rear digitalWrite(pinLF,HIGH); Car_state = 1; } void turnR() //turning right(dual wheel) { digitalWrite(pinRB,LOW); //making motor move towards right rear digitalWrite(pinRF,HIGH); digitalWrite(pinLB,HIGH); digitalWrite(pinLF,LOW); //making motor move towards left front Car_state = 4; } void turnL() //turning left(dual wheel) { digitalWrite(pinRB,HIGH); digitalWrite(pinRF,LOW ); //making motor move towards right front digitalWrite(pinLB,LOW); //making motor move towards left rear digitalWrite(pinLF,HIGH); Car_state = 3; } void stopp() //stop { digitalWrite(pinRB,HIGH); digitalWrite(pinRF,HIGH); digitalWrite(pinLB,HIGH); digitalWrite(pinLF,HIGH); Car_state = 5; } void back() //back up { digitalWrite(pinRB,HIGH); //making motor move towards right rear digitalWrite(pinRF,LOW); digitalWrite(pinLB,HIGH); //making motor move towards left rear digitalWrite(pinLF,LOW); Car_state = 2; } void Self_Control(void)//self-going, ultrasonic obstacle avoidance { int H; Set_servopulse(DuoJiao); H = Ultrasonic_Ranging(1); delay(300); if(Ultrasonic_Ranging(1) < 35) { stopp(); delay(100); back(); delay(50); } if(Ultrasonic_Ranging(1) < 60) { stopp(); delay(100); Set_servopulse(5); int L = ask_pin_L(2); delay(300); Set_servopulse(177); int R = ask_pin_R(3); delay(300); if(ask_pin_L(2) > ask_pin_R(3)) { back(); delay(100); turnL(); delay(400); stopp(); delay(50); Set_servopulse(DuoJiao); H = Ultrasonic_Ranging(1); delay(500); } if(ask_pin_L(2) <= ask_pin_R(3)) { back(); delay(100); turnR(); delay(400); stopp(); delay(50); Set_servopulse(DuoJiao); H = Ultrasonic_Ranging(1); delay(300); } if (ask_pin_L(2) < 35 && ask_pin_R(3)< 35) { stopp(); delay(50); back(); delay(50); } } else { advance(); } } int Ultrasonic_Ranging(unsigned char Mode)//function of ultrasonic distance detecting ,MODE=1,displaying,no displaying under other situation { int old_distance; digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(outputPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW); int distance = pulseIn(inputPin, HIGH); // reading the duration of high level distance= distance/58; // Transform pulse time to distance if(Mode==1){ Serial.print("\n H = "); Serial.print(distance,DEC); return distance; } else return distance; } int ask_pin_L(unsigned char Mode) { int old_Ldistance; digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(outputPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW); int Ldistance = pulseIn(inputPin, HIGH); Ldistance= Ldistance/58; // Transform pulse time to distance if(Mode==2){ Serial.print("\n L = "); Serial.print(Ldistance,DEC); return Ldistance; } else return Ldistance; } int ask_pin_R(unsigned char Mode) { int old_Rdistance; digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(outputPin, HIGH); // delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW); int Rdistance = pulseIn(inputPin, HIGH); Rdistance= Rdistance/58; // Transform pulse time to distance if(Mode==3){ Serial.print("\n R = "); Serial.print(Rdistance,DEC); return Rdistance; } else return Rdistance; } void setup() { pinMode(servopin,OUTPUT); //setting motor interface as output M_Control_IO_config(); //motor controlling the initialization of IO Set_Speed(Lpwm_val,Rpwm_val); //setting initialized speed Set_servopulse(DuoJiao); //setting initialized motor angle pinMode(inputPin, INPUT); //starting receiving IR remote control signal pinMode(outputPin, OUTPUT); //IO of ultrasonic module Serial.begin(9600); //initialized serial port , using Bluetooth as serial port, setting baud stopp(); //stop } void loop() { Self_Control(); }
Если понадобится диаграмма подключения прошу написать.
Её стоило сразу писать.
Carabas212 пише:AMIR228 пише:Всем доброго времени суток! Я новичок в ардуино и на форуме так что извиняюсь если написал не в тот раздел. Так вот я заказал набор ардуино уно с машинкой объезжающая препятствия на драйвере L298n 4 колёсах и ультразвуковом датчике HC-SR04 и когда я загружаю загружаю код из инструкции ошибок не выдаёт но сама машинка не едет. Незнаю что такое и прошу помочь. Буду очень благодарен.
Вот код из инструкции:int inputPin=A0; // ultrasonic module ECHO to A0 int outputPin=A1; // ultrasonic module TRIG to A1 #define Lpwm_pin 5 //pin of controlling speed---- ENA of motor driver board #define Rpwm_pin 10 //pin of controlling speed---- ENB of motor driver board int pinLB=2; //pin of controlling turning---- IN1 of motor driver board int pinLF=4; //pin of controlling turning---- IN2 of motor driver board int pinRB=7; //pin of controlling turning---- IN3 of motor driver board int pinRF=8; //pin of controlling turning---- IN4 of motor driver board unsigned char Lpwm_val = 200; //initialized left wheel speed at 250 unsigned char Rpwm_val = 200; //initialized right wheel speed at 250 int Car_state=0; //the working state of car int servopin=3; //defining digital port pin 3, connecting to signal line of servo motor int myangle; //defining variable of angle int pulsewidth; //defining variable of pulse width unsigned char DuoJiao=60; //initialized angle of motor at 60° void servopulse(int servopin,int myangle) //defining a function of pulse { pulsewidth=(myangle*11)+500; //converting angle into pulse width value at 500-2480 digitalWrite(servopin,HIGH); //increasing the level of motor interface to upmost delayMicroseconds(pulsewidth); //delaying microsecond of pulse width value digitalWrite(servopin,LOW); //decreasing the level of motor interface to the least delay(20-pulsewidth/1000); } void Set_servopulse(int set_val) { for(int i=0;i<=10;i++) //giving motor enough time to turn to assigning point servopulse(servopin,set_val); //invokimg pulse function } void M_Control_IO_config(void) { pinMode(pinLB,OUTPUT); // /pin 2 pinMode(pinLF,OUTPUT); // pin 4 pinMode(pinRB,OUTPUT); // pin 7 pinMode(pinRF,OUTPUT); // pin 8 pinMode(Lpwm_pin,OUTPUT); // pin 11 (PWM) pinMode(Rpwm_pin,OUTPUT); // pin10(PWM) } void Set_Speed(unsigned char Left,unsigned char Right) //function of setting speed { analogWrite(Lpwm_pin,Left); analogWrite(Rpwm_pin,Right); } void advance() // going forward { digitalWrite(pinRB,LOW); // making motor move towards right rear digitalWrite(pinRF,HIGH); digitalWrite(pinLB,LOW); // making motor move towards left rear digitalWrite(pinLF,HIGH); Car_state = 1; } void turnR() //turning right(dual wheel) { digitalWrite(pinRB,LOW); //making motor move towards right rear digitalWrite(pinRF,HIGH); digitalWrite(pinLB,HIGH); digitalWrite(pinLF,LOW); //making motor move towards left front Car_state = 4; } void turnL() //turning left(dual wheel) { digitalWrite(pinRB,HIGH); digitalWrite(pinRF,LOW ); //making motor move towards right front digitalWrite(pinLB,LOW); //making motor move towards left rear digitalWrite(pinLF,HIGH); Car_state = 3; } void stopp() //stop { digitalWrite(pinRB,HIGH); digitalWrite(pinRF,HIGH); digitalWrite(pinLB,HIGH); digitalWrite(pinLF,HIGH); Car_state = 5; } void back() //back up { digitalWrite(pinRB,HIGH); //making motor move towards right rear digitalWrite(pinRF,LOW); digitalWrite(pinLB,HIGH); //making motor move towards left rear digitalWrite(pinLF,LOW); Car_state = 2; } void Self_Control(void)//self-going, ultrasonic obstacle avoidance { int H; Set_servopulse(DuoJiao); H = Ultrasonic_Ranging(1); delay(300); if(Ultrasonic_Ranging(1) < 35) { stopp(); delay(100); back(); delay(50); } if(Ultrasonic_Ranging(1) < 60) { stopp(); delay(100); Set_servopulse(5); int L = ask_pin_L(2); delay(300); Set_servopulse(177); int R = ask_pin_R(3); delay(300); if(ask_pin_L(2) > ask_pin_R(3)) { back(); delay(100); turnL(); delay(400); stopp(); delay(50); Set_servopulse(DuoJiao); H = Ultrasonic_Ranging(1); delay(500); } if(ask_pin_L(2) <= ask_pin_R(3)) { back(); delay(100); turnR(); delay(400); stopp(); delay(50); Set_servopulse(DuoJiao); H = Ultrasonic_Ranging(1); delay(300); } if (ask_pin_L(2) < 35 && ask_pin_R(3)< 35) { stopp(); delay(50); back(); delay(50); } } else { advance(); } } int Ultrasonic_Ranging(unsigned char Mode)//function of ultrasonic distance detecting ,MODE=1,displaying,no displaying under other situation { int old_distance; digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(outputPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW); int distance = pulseIn(inputPin, HIGH); // reading the duration of high level distance= distance/58; // Transform pulse time to distance if(Mode==1){ Serial.print("\n H = "); Serial.print(distance,DEC); return distance; } else return distance; } int ask_pin_L(unsigned char Mode) { int old_Ldistance; digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(outputPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW); int Ldistance = pulseIn(inputPin, HIGH); Ldistance= Ldistance/58; // Transform pulse time to distance if(Mode==2){ Serial.print("\n L = "); Serial.print(Ldistance,DEC); return Ldistance; } else return Ldistance; } int ask_pin_R(unsigned char Mode) { int old_Rdistance; digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(outputPin, HIGH); // delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW); int Rdistance = pulseIn(inputPin, HIGH); Rdistance= Rdistance/58; // Transform pulse time to distance if(Mode==3){ Serial.print("\n R = "); Serial.print(Rdistance,DEC); return Rdistance; } else return Rdistance; } void setup() { pinMode(servopin,OUTPUT); //setting motor interface as output M_Control_IO_config(); //motor controlling the initialization of IO Set_Speed(Lpwm_val,Rpwm_val); //setting initialized speed Set_servopulse(DuoJiao); //setting initialized motor angle pinMode(inputPin, INPUT); //starting receiving IR remote control signal pinMode(outputPin, OUTPUT); //IO of ultrasonic module Serial.begin(9600); //initialized serial port , using Bluetooth as serial port, setting baud stopp(); //stop } void loop() { Self_Control(); }
Если понадобится диаграмма подключения прошу написать.
Её стоило сразу писать.
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Сторінки 1